Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seattle Part 4 - Friday Harbor

Beautiful Friday Harbor, San Juan Islands.

Whale watching boat.

What we were supposed to see on our whale watching trip...

What we actually saw during our whale watching trip... this is a picture of an approx. 2,400 lb Steller sea lion (and there's a harbor seal in the background if you look really closely). We also saw 2 Minke whales (small baleen whales), but they were way too fast to capture one in a picture. But, we did not see any orcas, which was a big disappointment.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Seattle Part 3

Snoqualmie Falls.

Pike Place Market and the first Starbucks across the street.

Views of the city from Gas Works Park...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Seattle Part 2 - Forks, La Push and Port Angeles!


We ate lunch at The Lodge.

First Beach at La Push.

The drive between Port Angeles and Forks was gorgeous! I was very excited because the weather was overcast and foggy... perfect "Twilight" weather! :)

The restaurant in Port Angeles where Edward and Bella had their first date!

The movie theatre in Port Angeles.

View of Seattle from the ferry.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Seattle Part 1

The Bellevue Botanical Gardens.

The view from the Space Needle. It was rainy and overcast today in true Seattle style.

The exterior of Angela and Dan's beautiful house... they have done an incredible job remodeling the entire house!

The view out of Angela and Dan's guest bedroom... I'm so jealous (there's a lake beyond the trees that can be seen better in the winter)!